1. All money will be put into an escrow account.
  2. All foal nomination fees will be held in escrow until the year in which the foals are eligible for bonus money. An office charge of 20% will be deducted and remaining 80% will be used as bonus$$.


  1. TRIPLE CROWN 100 reserves the right to refuse any foal nomination.
  2. Copy of registration papers must be received with enrollment fee.
  3. A list of all eligible foals will be listed on the TRIPLE CROWN web site.


  1. You may ride more than one foal in an event.
  2. Foal must be 4 or 5 and never competed.


  1. TRIPLE CROWN 100 reserves the right to refuse any stallion nomination.
  2. Stallion may be dropped at sole discretion of TC 100 for failure to comply with rules.
  3. ALL TRIPLE CROWN stallions must donate a breeding yearly to be sold at the TRIPLE CROWN STALLION AUCTION. (If breeding does not sell stallion owner must pay a $350 No Sell Fee.)
  4. All stallions must be renominated yearly to remain in the program at the current nomination fee.
  5. Stallions must be nominated by July 15.
  6. Stallions must be paid in full by October 1.
  7. In the event of a stallion's death while enrolled in Triple Crown, the registered owner may substitute another stallion, provided the substitute is also owned by the same individual. This substitution must be made within 30 days of the original stallion's passing.
  8. All stallions will be listed along with nominated foals on Triple Crown website.
  9. All photos must be submitted electronically for them to be placed on the Triple Crown website.
  10. Stallion must be nominated by the registered owner.
  11. TRIPLE CROWN 100 STALLION INCENTIVE program reserves the right to make changes in the program, at its sole discretion. In the event that the TRIPLE CROWN 100 STALLION INCENTIVE program is cancelled due to lack of participation. All money will be refunded, excluding interest earned.
